Price List


All images shown are available for non-exclusive purchase. Non exclusive images have limited use  

Web and Print license Full Size : $15.00

Non Exclusive License. This License is for web and print but only for book publishing. Authors if you buy this License you can use this for any use for web and print but with limitations (Up to 10.000 copies)  If you exceed this amount, you can then contact to  and you can buy another license for 10.000 copies for $20.00

Commercial Web and Print license Full Size: $85.00

Non Exclusive license. This license is for all genres, magazines and print as well as advertisements. This License has limitations (Up to 30.000 copies) . If you need more copies please contact to  and you can buy another one license for another 30.000 copies for the REDUCED RATE OF $45.00


EXTENDED PAYMENT OPTION FOR ALL EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: You may pay in three monthly installments, first payment is due at time of purchase.

Exclusive Images are just that, Exclusive to you alone. No one else can use this image, ever.

The exclusive you purchase can be used for book covers, ebook, promotional items and those Items for sell by you.  This Exclusive license however, cannot be transferred.

To purchase an Exclusive Image you have found in my gallery, please contact me with the image number to be sure it is still available for Exclusive purchase.  Once an image is sold nonexclusively, that image and those similar, will no longer be available as an Exclusive.

  1. $190.00 For one EXCLUSIVE Image , $35.00 for every additional image of this set (same clothes ,same background but different pose) – FULL COPYRIGHTS – UNLIMITED NUMBER OF PRINTS – UNLIMITED PERIOD OF TIME (Payment Plans Are Available)
  • $120.00 per EXCLUSIVE image if you buy two images  of different sets  the same day – FULL COPYRIGHTS – UNLIMITED NUMBER OF PRINTS – UNLIMITED PERIOD OF TIME ( Payment Plans Are Available)

C)  $100.00 per Exclusive image  if you buy more than two images  of different sets the same day – FULL COPYRIGHTS – UNLIMITED NUMBER OF PRINTS – UNLIMITED PERIOD OF TIME ( Payment Plans Are Available)

Once you have purchased your Exclusive image  , all other images similar in that gallery will be removed To purchase an Exclusive Image you have found in my gallery, please contact me with the image number.  

2)Exclusive License for Magazines-Advertisements $280.00

This License is for all genres magazines and print as well as advertisements. This license has no limitations on number of copies or otherwise.


I will plan a photo shoot catered to your specifications.  Describe the vision of your cover to me, the time period, specify clothing, scenery (if applicable.) Props, and what genre.  What expressions of your character do you need?  What poses will you need?  Include as many details to help make the best shoot for you. 

$300  covers  ,and covers one photo. Additional images are $50  each.

Once I have your specifications, I will need a week to notify any models you have requested, rent the props and coordinate times with the photographer.

From the time you have contacted me with your requirements, until you have images to view, it will be one month.  At this time I will send you the best 5 to 20 images for your viewing.  If you wish to see all images taken for your Exclusive shoot, please notify me and they will be made available for your viewing also.


EXTENDED PAYMENT OPTION FOR ALL EXCLUSIVE premade covers: You may pay in three monthly installments, first payment is due at time of purchase.

EXCLUSIVE PREMADE COVERS: $95.00 E-book edition only. $95.00 Additional for full print edition

EXCLUSIVE PREMADE COVERS: This is a cover made with an EXCLUSIVE image. Meaning that NO other author will have this image on their cover. It will not be sold to anyone else and is exclusive to this cover alone.

NON EXCLUSIVE PREMADE COVERS: $75.00 E-book edition ONLY. $35.00 Additional for full print edition (which also includes high resolution JPEG of front cover for E-book)